Saturday, February 25, 2012

AS 2005 Deployment Option

For the 3 available options:

Role deployment options

The <project name>.deploymentoptions file specifies one of the following role deployment options:

Existing roles and role members in the destination database are retained, and only new roles and role members are deployed.

All existing roles and members in the destination database are replaced by the roles and members being deployed.

Existing roles and role members in the destination database are retained, and no new roles are deployed.

The value appears in the .deploymentoptions file for the second option is


What are the labels for the other two options?

I tried searching online and also in the latest BOL but couldnt find it.

As a workaround, I am using the numeric value directly, i.e. 0, 1, 2 where DeployRolesRetainMembers = 1. This works fine, but we do prefer to see the more informative label.


Try running Deployment Wizard application and see these options there. See what are the values generated by the wizard for you.

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I wish it is that simple. It seems the Deployment Wizard does not offer the option when you create the deployable; it offers the option when you execute the deployable but again it does not save the chosen value during deployment.

Anyway, I got the answers from Premier Support:

DeployRolesAndMembers (value 0): Any existing roles and members will be replaced.

DeployRolesRetainMembers (value 1): Deploy roles and retain members. Roles will be deployed along with their members for new roles. Members for existing roles will be retained.

RetainRoles (value 2): Retain roles and members. The roles and members will not be deployed.

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