Sunday, March 25, 2012
"System Check is not installed or is not registered with
your web server".
I review services and iisadmin is there and running as is also state
services which I had started to run automatically. Microsoft .net framework
1.1 is confirmed installed in the add/remove programs.
Anyone come across this before?
thanksDid you by any chance remove the default website? RS needs the default
website to be able to install.
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
"tom frost" <> wrote in message
> When I attempt to install sql reporting services enterprise, i receive the
> following:
> "System Check is not installed or is not registered with
> your web server".
> I review services and iisadmin is there and running as is also
> services which I had started to run automatically. Microsoft .net
> 1.1 is confirmed installed in the add/remove programs.
> Anyone come across this before?
> thanks
>|||Run this from a command prompt:
%SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\aspnet_regiis.exe -i
This will install ASP.NET.
On a side note, you may want to turn off the ASP.NET State Service as this
is used for servers that act as session state servers for ASP.NET
applications that are configured to maintain session state out of process.
So this service is probably just using resources for nothing.
"Bruce L-C [MVP]" <> wrote in message
> Did you by any chance remove the default website? RS needs the default
> website to be able to install.
> --
> Bruce Loehle-Conger
> MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
> "tom frost" <> wrote in message
> > When I attempt to install sql reporting services enterprise, i receive
> > following:
> > "System Check is not installed or is not registered
> > your web server".
> >
> > I review services and iisadmin is there and running as is also
> state
> > services which I had started to run automatically. Microsoft .net
> framework
> > 1.1 is confirmed installed in the add/remove programs.
> >
> > Anyone come across this before?
> >
> > thanks
> >
> >
>|||Your error happens when, for example, ASP.NET is installed and IIS isn't on
the machine or IIS is installed later. The aspnet_regiis.exe utility with
the -i parameter installs the correct IIS script maps so IIS associates requests with the desired version of the framework. (Each framework
version has it's own aspnet_regiis.exe utility).
You should also be able to MSDN search that message and you will get more
information on the aspnet_regiis tool.
Adrian M.
"tom frost" <> wrote in message
> When I attempt to install sql reporting services enterprise, i receive the
> following:
> "System Check is not installed or is not registered with
> your web server".
> I review services and iisadmin is there and running as is also
> state
> services which I had started to run automatically. Microsoft .net
> framework
> 1.1 is confirmed installed in the add/remove programs.
> Anyone come across this before?
> thanks
parameters to SQL2005 Reporting Services - not liking how the parameters
have to be coded within the designer itself.We used a single string parameter and embedded an XML document within
that, translating it in a wrapping stored procedure to be the
parameters required by the real sp on the database.
This allowed us to do things like data driven parameters to the report
(in the ASP.Net web application we wrote as the front end)
Joe wrote:
> Looking for some good examples of how folks used ASP.Net to pass in
> parameters to SQL2005 Reporting Services - not liking how the parameters
> have to be coded within the designer itself.|||I use stored procedures as the datasource and set the parameters with the
procedure variables. Using report parameters takes way too long on large data
sets from what I have experienced. All the data is loaded before the
filtering takes place (from what I was told).
"Joe" wrote:
> Looking for some good examples of how folks used ASP.Net to pass in
> parameters to SQL2005 Reporting Services - not liking how the parameters
> have to be coded within the designer itself.
retain the value in the corresponding area (text, radio button, texarea, dro
down menu)in the first page when i press the back button on the second page.
regards seowhuaYou've posted to the wrong newsgroup - this is for SQL Server, not ASP
programming. I'd try posting your question to one of the
microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.aspnet.* newsgroups. (Ditto for your
"ASP Calendar..." post too.)
*mike hodgson*
seowhua wrote:
>Let say I pass values from first page to second page using a form, how can
>retain the value in the corresponding area (text, radio button, texarea, dr
>down menu)in the first page when i press the back button on the second page
implementation. The redesigned application should still retrieve the data from the Oracle 9i database. Any help with this is greatly appreciated.When it comes to database development PL/SQL has the advantage since it is very flexible with Oracle and it seperates the business logic from the interface. But it lacks presentation in a nice way.
ASP.NET on the other hand can be developed to display data in very nice way. Performance wise PL/SQL would be better since it directly runs in the database server.
If the presentation of the report is not an issue then go for PL/SQL, or else you can go for ASP.NET
But remember to eveluate your skill level also on both and decide on one.
asp, trusted authentication, sql server 2000
i'm trying to write a database application using asp (not .net) and need to have it connect to SQL server 2000 using windows integrated security and trusted authentication. i have the following asp code:
DIM dbConn
set dbConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
DBconn.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=DBSERVER;Database=MyDatabase;Truste d_Connection=yes"
i can access the page from the local webserver (http://localhost/sample.asp) but cannot access it from another machine. when i access it via another machine, it prompts for a un/pw but still says:
"Login failed for user (null). Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL server connection"
please help...thanksHowdy,
Try setting up an ODBC connection ( make it use NT authentication ) on the web box to the SQL box and see if the problem goes away.
That may help establish where the problem is. Also, do you have same version of MDAC on web server & SQL Server boxes?
SG.|||i do have an odbc connection to the sql database on the web box (which currently is an xp pro machine for testing purposes, once i finish it will be moved to a 2000 server box) do i get it to use that specific connection?|||Try the following connection string:
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=mydatabase;Data Source=dbserver
Also, your iis configuration may not be correct.|||After a good deal of troubleshooting, I have reason to believe that my IIS server is at fault. I do not know how to configure it correctly to use integrated security. I thought I had it correct - I do not allow Anonymous access, and under Authenticated access I have:
Digest authentication for Windows domain servers is checked (I've tried not using this, and recieved the same result)
Basic authentication (password is sent in clear text) is NOT checked
Integrated Windows authentication is checked.
When logging onto the ASP page, it does prompt for a user name and password. Upon entering my AD logon/password (which does have permission on the database), it errors out, reporting Login failed for user (null). This error is the same as it appears in SQL server's logs.
I can access it directly from the server without incident. Also, if i *do* allow anonymous access and use my credentials (as opposed to IUSER_blah), I can access it successfully. Otherwise, it reports the aforementioned error.
It might be mentioned that the machine I've been using to try to access the page is on XYZ domain, as is the IIS server - however, the SQL server is in the ABC domain. Does this matter?
ASP, SQL, long text data problems...
then save it into SQL server, and retrive and display the info on
another page. My problem is with long text data (10,000 bytes or
more). It appears to save the long text data, as in it gives no
errors... but it does not save it. In the SQL table, the field is
defined as ntext... So why won't it save?
Thanks in advance,
adamAdam ( writes:
> I have an ASP page that will take form info that a user has entered,
> then save it into SQL server, and retrive and display the info on
> another page. My problem is with long text data (10,000 bytes or
> more). It appears to save the long text data, as in it gives no
> errors... but it does not save it. In the SQL table, the field is
> defined as ntext... So why won't it save?
I guess you need to post your code, so that people here can have a
reasonble chance to spot your error. You are using the AppendChunk on
the Field object?
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at|||Adam ( writes:
> I guess I need an example of the GetChunk, AppendChunk... I havent
> been able to find one that makes sense to me.
In the MDAC Books Online there are examples of using AppendChunk. This
should also be on MSDN.
Did you try searching for AppendChunk on Google? I seem to get quite some
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at|||Cool, thanks for the books online... that helped a lot later man
ASP, SQL Server and double insert...
I have a little (big?) problem with a software in ASP / SQL Server.
This is a demo of the problem:
ID= 12458 Data=21/01/2004 21:14:45 txt txt txt
ID= 12458 Data=21/01/2004 21:14:45 txt txt txt
ID= 12458 Data=21/01/2004 21:14:45 txt txt txt
ID= 12458 Data=21/01/2004 21:14:45 txt txt txt
ID= 12458 Data=21/01/2004 21:14:45 txt txt txt
So: I insert a record from my asp page but I find the same record for
more times... Why?"Fast" <> wrote in message om...
> hello,
> I have a little (big?) problem with a software in ASP / SQL Server.
> This is a demo of the problem:
> ID= 12458 Data=21/01/2004 21:14:45 txt txt txt
> ID= 12458 Data=21/01/2004 21:14:45 txt txt txt
> ID= 12458 Data=21/01/2004 21:14:45 txt txt txt
> ID= 12458 Data=21/01/2004 21:14:45 txt txt txt
> ID= 12458 Data=21/01/2004 21:14:45 txt txt txt
> So: I insert a record from my asp page but I find the same record for
> more times... Why?
No idea.
It might help if you actually post code or something.
However, the fact that your table allows multiple rows of the same
information is bad. It indicates you don't have any sort of unique primary
key.||| (Fast) wrote in message news:<>...
> hello,
> I have a little (big?) problem with a software in ASP / SQL Server.
> This is a demo of the problem:
> ID= 12458 Data=21/01/2004 21:14:45 txt txt txt
> ID= 12458 Data=21/01/2004 21:14:45 txt txt txt
> ID= 12458 Data=21/01/2004 21:14:45 txt txt txt
> ID= 12458 Data=21/01/2004 21:14:45 txt txt txt
> ID= 12458 Data=21/01/2004 21:14:45 txt txt txt
> So: I insert a record from my asp page but I find the same record for
> more times... Why?
I have no idea what the problem is from the ASP side, but you may be
able to troubleshoot by using Profiler to trace the SQL actually sent
to the server from ASP. You may find that the ASP code is not doing
exactly what you think it is.
In addition, you should add a primary key to your table to prevent
duplicate rows being inserted.
ASP, AS400 (iSeries), and stored procedures.
? Is it possible? I'm running client access v5r2.
Sent via Fuzzy Software @.
Comprehensive, categorised, searchable collection of links to ASP & ASP.NET
resources...Yes it's possible. It's pretty much like calling any stored procedure. I've
done this using both the IBM Client Access ODBC driver as well as the IBM
Client access OLE DB Provider. The Data Access components need to be
installed on the system running the ASP scripts.
Mike O.
"ryadex" <> wrote in message
> Does anyone have any info on how to call a stored procedure with asp
classic? Is it possible? I'm running client access v5r2.
> ****************************************
> Sent via Fuzzy Software @.
> Comprehensive, categorised, searchable collection of links to ASP &
ASP.NET resources...sql
ASP writing data to SQL Server 2000
SQL Server 2000.
No error msg is returned upon submission and the confirmation msg that
displays after the commit command is sent to the server displays, but when
we go to the DB, the data sent isn't there. This is an occassional
occurance and usually the data is there, just some times, it isn't. Other
forms function just fine, using the *exact* same file to perform the submit
function (all the forms "include" the same submit page). The only
difference we can find is a trigger on the table having problems which
executes upon update, capturing the information about who updated the record
when. From what we can see, this is the only programmatic difference. The
other thought tickling our minds was the possiblity of a simultaneous
submission, since all the users submit with the same db user name via the
form, if user 1's data gets written but not yet commited, user 2's data is
submitted, then the commit transaction is submitted by user 1 as the program
steps run in sequence, would the commit by user one cause eiither of the
records inserted but not commited to be lost? If so, why wouldn't that be causing problems on other forms ...Can you post some of the code that is being used? Particularly the trigger code... Also, use profiler to watch what is being sent to the SQL Server to determine if it is a SQL issue, or a ASP code issue.|||
Thank you Louis,
I will look into getting profiler turned on.
The trigger is as follows (specific variables replaced with generic names):
CREATE TRIGGER [trig_Table_doUpdateTimestamp] ON [dbo].[Table_1_0]
set nocount on
declare @.var1 datetime
declare @.var2 varchar(50)
declare @.var3 varchar(50)
declare @.var4 varchar(50)
declare @.var5 varchar(30)
set @.var1 = (select sourc_var1 from inserted)
set @.var2 = (select sourc_var2 from inserted)
set @.var3 = (select sourc_var3 from inserted)
set @.var4 = (select sourc_var4 from inserted)
set @.var5 = (select sourc_var5 from inserted)
update Table_1_0 set lastUpdateDT = getdate(), numberChanges = ( ( numberChanges + abs(numberChanges) ) /2 ) + 1 , lastupdateUser = SUSER_SNAME()
where sourc_var1 = @.var1 and sourc_var2 = @.var2 and sourc_var3 = @.var3 and sourc_var4 = @.var4 and sourc_var5 = @.var5
ASP with SQL database in Unicode and double-byte environment
Would like to consult you with a question that has been bothering us a lot
in the past two weeks.
We recently purchased a software developed with ASP (well, we knew it would
be better with .Net, but could not find one with similar features).
And we are using this application in Windows Server 2003 environment and MS
SQL 2000 (with Collation set to Chinese).
The problem is that we consistently got random characters from those ASP
pages and dynamic web pages using the data from SQL.
We have checked and reset MS SQL many times and are sure that it does
support Chinese characters and data there are fine.
We even put the <% @.CodePage="950" %> on every page but still with the same
Interestingly enough, if we use MS Access, everything works fine (with the
same CodePage). All Chinese characters can display normally.
Does anyone know what might be the cause? Our application vendor seems
unable to solve the problem.
We don't even know if this is caused by the application or database.
Many thanks.
xfile wrote:
> Does anyone know what might be the cause? Our application vendor
> seems unable to solve the problem.
> We don't even know if this is caused by the application or database.
> Many thanks.
Does your database use UNICODE data types: nchar, nvarchar, ntext?
David Gugick
Quest Software
We set the entire collation to Windows Collation in Chinese_Taiwan
And I am not sure if that applies to your question?
Kindly tell me who to check if those are true?
Many thanks.
"David Gugick" <> wrote in message
> xfile wrote:
> Does your database use UNICODE data types: nchar, nvarchar, ntext?
> --
> David Gugick
> Quest Software
|||xfile wrote:[vbcol=seagreen]
> Hi,
> We set the entire collation to Windows Collation in Chinese_Taiwan
> And I am not sure if that applies to your question?
> Kindly tell me who to check if those are true?
> Many thanks.
> "David Gugick" <> wrote in message
> news:OsuFr5bmFHA.3936@.TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
You need to check the data types used in the tables to see if the vendor
is using unicode data types. You can't store unicode data in non-unicode
data types.
David Gugick
Quest Software
Got it. We need to change to Unicode.
Many thanks.
"David Gugick" <> wrote in message
> xfile wrote:
> You need to check the data types used in the tables to see if the vendor
> is using unicode data types. You can't store unicode data in non-unicode
> data types.
> --
> David Gugick
> Quest Software
|||xfile wrote:
> Hi,
> Got it. We need to change to Unicode.
> Many thanks.
It might not be that easy if this is a vendor application since there
might be application support for non-unicode data types.
The best thing to do is check with the vendor and get them to tell you
whether the application supports unicode data.
David Gugick
Quest Software
Thanks. We've done it for this part.
The vendor claimed it support Unicode with language scripts but it is not
exactly working as they claimed.
We used their scripts to create database and tables and fields and so on,
but it did not even set the data type correctly.
It turned out we had to re-set the data type, and re-adjust length due to
SQL's limitation on 8060.
We are trying to solve another Unicode problem for their e-mail messages,
which I will post later.
Many thanks for your kind help.
"David Gugick" <> wrote in message
> xfile wrote:
> It might not be that easy if this is a vendor application since there
> might be application support for non-unicode data types.
> The best thing to do is check with the vendor and get them to tell you
> whether the application supports unicode data.
> --
> David Gugick
> Quest Software
|||xfile wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks. We've done it for this part.
> The vendor claimed it support Unicode with language scripts but it is
> not exactly working as they claimed.
> We used their scripts to create database and tables and fields and so
> on, but it did not even set the data type correctly.
> It turned out we had to re-set the data type, and re-adjust length
> due to SQL's limitation on 8060.
> We are trying to solve another Unicode problem for their e-mail
> messages, which I will post later.
> Many thanks for your kind help.
If you are hitting the 8060 byte row limit, you might have table design
problems. That's an incredibly large row size. Consider using NTEXT
columns for long text to get the data out of the row.
David Gugick
Quest Software
You are absolutely correct but we were reluctant to say it about the
inappropriate design of the database.
However, we have not time to fix this problem at this stage but would do it
at a later time.
Thanks again for the tips which will be very useful.
"David Gugick" <> wrote in message
> xfile wrote:
> If you are hitting the 8060 byte row limit, you might have table design
> problems. That's an incredibly large row size. Consider using NTEXT
> columns for long text to get the data out of the row.
> --
> David Gugick
> Quest Software
ASP with SQL database in Unicode and double-byte environment
Would like to consult you with a question that has been bothering us a lot
in the past two weeks.
We recently purchased a software developed with ASP (well, we knew it would
be better with .Net, but could not find one with similar features).
And we are using this application in Windows Server 2003 environment and MS
SQL 2000 (with Collation set to Chinese).
The problem is that we consistently got random characters from those ASP
pages and dynamic web pages using the data from SQL.
We have checked and reset MS SQL many times and are sure that it does
support Chinese characters and data there are fine.
We even put the <% @.CodePage="950" %> on every page but still with the same
Interestingly enough, if we use MS Access, everything works fine (with the
same CodePage). All Chinese characters can display normally.
Does anyone know what might be the cause? Our application vendor seems
unable to solve the problem.
We don't even know if this is caused by the application or database.
Many thanks.xfile wrote:
> Does anyone know what might be the cause? Our application vendor
> seems unable to solve the problem.
> We don't even know if this is caused by the application or database.
> Many thanks.
Does your database use UNICODE data types: nchar, nvarchar, ntext?
David Gugick
Quest Software|||Hi,
We set the entire collation to Windows Collation in Chinese_Taiwan
And I am not sure if that applies to your question?
Kindly tell me who to check if those are true?
Many thanks.
"David Gugick" <> wrote in message
> xfile wrote:
> Does your database use UNICODE data types: nchar, nvarchar, ntext?
> --
> David Gugick
> Quest Software
>|||xfile wrote:[vbcol=seagreen]
> Hi,
> We set the entire collation to Windows Collation in Chinese_Taiwan
> And I am not sure if that applies to your question?
> Kindly tell me who to check if those are true?
> Many thanks.
> "David Gugick" <> wrote in message
> news:OsuFr5bmFHA.3936@.TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
You need to check the data types used in the tables to see if the vendor
is using unicode data types. You can't store unicode data in non-unicode
data types.
David Gugick
Quest Software|||Hi,
Got it. We need to change to Unicode.
Many thanks.
"David Gugick" <> wrote in message
> xfile wrote:
> You need to check the data types used in the tables to see if the vendor
> is using unicode data types. You can't store unicode data in non-unicode
> data types.
> --
> David Gugick
> Quest Software
>|||xfile wrote:
> Hi,
> Got it. We need to change to Unicode.
> Many thanks.
It might not be that easy if this is a vendor application since there
might be application support for non-unicode data types.
The best thing to do is check with the vendor and get them to tell you
whether the application supports unicode data.
David Gugick
Quest Software|||Hi,
Thanks. We've done it for this part.
The vendor claimed it support Unicode with language scripts but it is not
exactly working as they claimed.
We used their scripts to create database and tables and fields and so on,
but it did not even set the data type correctly.
It turned out we had to re-set the data type, and re-adjust length due to
SQL's limitation on 8060.
We are trying to solve another Unicode problem for their e-mail messages,
which I will post later.
Many thanks for your kind help.
"David Gugick" <> wrote in message
> xfile wrote:
> It might not be that easy if this is a vendor application since there
> might be application support for non-unicode data types.
> The best thing to do is check with the vendor and get them to tell you
> whether the application supports unicode data.
> --
> David Gugick
> Quest Software
>|||xfile wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks. We've done it for this part.
> The vendor claimed it support Unicode with language scripts but it is
> not exactly working as they claimed.
> We used their scripts to create database and tables and fields and so
> on, but it did not even set the data type correctly.
> It turned out we had to re-set the data type, and re-adjust length
> due to SQL's limitation on 8060.
> We are trying to solve another Unicode problem for their e-mail
> messages, which I will post later.
> Many thanks for your kind help.
If you are hitting the 8060 byte row limit, you might have table design
problems. That's an incredibly large row size. Consider using NTEXT
columns for long text to get the data out of the row.
David Gugick
Quest Software|||Hi,
You are absolutely correct but we were reluctant to say it about the
inappropriate design of the database.
However, we have not time to fix this problem at this stage but would do it
at a later time.
Thanks again for the tips which will be very useful.
"David Gugick" <> wrote in message
> xfile wrote:
> If you are hitting the 8060 byte row limit, you might have table design
> problems. That's an incredibly large row size. Consider using NTEXT
> columns for long text to get the data out of the row.
> --
> David Gugick
> Quest Software
ASP with SQL database in Unicode and double-byte environment
Would like to consult you with a question that has been bothering us a lot
in the past two weeks.
We recently purchased a software developed with ASP (well, we knew it would
be better with .Net, but could not find one with similar features).
And we are using this application in Windows Server 2003 environment and MS
SQL 2000 (with Collation set to Chinese).
The problem is that we consistently got random characters from those ASP
pages and dynamic web pages using the data from SQL.
We have checked and reset MS SQL many times and are sure that it does
support Chinese characters and data there are fine.
We even put the <% @.CodePage="950" %> on every page but still with the same
Interestingly enough, if we use MS Access, everything works fine (with the
same CodePage). All Chinese characters can display normally.
Does anyone know what might be the cause? Our application vendor seems
unable to solve the problem.
We don't even know if this is caused by the application or database.
Many thanks.xfile wrote:
> Does anyone know what might be the cause? Our application vendor
> seems unable to solve the problem.
> We don't even know if this is caused by the application or database.
> Many thanks.
Does your database use UNICODE data types: nchar, nvarchar, ntext?
David Gugick
Quest Software|||Hi,
We set the entire collation to Windows Collation in Chinese_Taiwan
And I am not sure if that applies to your question?
Kindly tell me who to check if those are true?
Many thanks.
"David Gugick" <> wrote in message
> xfile wrote:
>> Does anyone know what might be the cause? Our application vendor
>> seems unable to solve the problem.
>> We don't even know if this is caused by the application or database.
>> Many thanks.
> Does your database use UNICODE data types: nchar, nvarchar, ntext?
> --
> David Gugick
> Quest Software
>|||xfile wrote:
> Hi,
> We set the entire collation to Windows Collation in Chinese_Taiwan
> And I am not sure if that applies to your question?
> Kindly tell me who to check if those are true?
> Many thanks.
> "David Gugick" <> wrote in message
> news:OsuFr5bmFHA.3936@.TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
>> xfile wrote:
>> Does anyone know what might be the cause? Our application vendor
>> seems unable to solve the problem.
>> We don't even know if this is caused by the application or database.
>> Many thanks.
>> Does your database use UNICODE data types: nchar, nvarchar, ntext?
>> --
>> David Gugick
>> Quest Software
You need to check the data types used in the tables to see if the vendor
is using unicode data types. You can't store unicode data in non-unicode
data types.
David Gugick
Quest Software|||Hi,
Got it. We need to change to Unicode.
Many thanks.
"David Gugick" <> wrote in message
> xfile wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We set the entire collation to Windows Collation in Chinese_Taiwan
>> And I am not sure if that applies to your question?
>> Kindly tell me who to check if those are true?
>> Many thanks.
>> "David Gugick" <> wrote in message
>> news:OsuFr5bmFHA.3936@.TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
>> xfile wrote:
>> Does anyone know what might be the cause? Our application vendor
>> seems unable to solve the problem.
>> We don't even know if this is caused by the application or database.
>> Many thanks.
>> Does your database use UNICODE data types: nchar, nvarchar, ntext?
>> --
>> David Gugick
>> Quest Software
> You need to check the data types used in the tables to see if the vendor
> is using unicode data types. You can't store unicode data in non-unicode
> data types.
> --
> David Gugick
> Quest Software
>|||xfile wrote:
> Hi,
> Got it. We need to change to Unicode.
> Many thanks.
It might not be that easy if this is a vendor application since there
might be application support for non-unicode data types.
The best thing to do is check with the vendor and get them to tell you
whether the application supports unicode data.
David Gugick
Quest Software|||Hi,
Thanks. We've done it for this part.
The vendor claimed it support Unicode with language scripts but it is not
exactly working as they claimed.
We used their scripts to create database and tables and fields and so on,
but it did not even set the data type correctly.
It turned out we had to re-set the data type, and re-adjust length due to
SQL's limitation on 8060.
We are trying to solve another Unicode problem for their e-mail messages,
which I will post later.
Many thanks for your kind help.
"David Gugick" <> wrote in message
> xfile wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Got it. We need to change to Unicode.
>> Many thanks.
> It might not be that easy if this is a vendor application since there
> might be application support for non-unicode data types.
> The best thing to do is check with the vendor and get them to tell you
> whether the application supports unicode data.
> --
> David Gugick
> Quest Software
>|||xfile wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks. We've done it for this part.
> The vendor claimed it support Unicode with language scripts but it is
> not exactly working as they claimed.
> We used their scripts to create database and tables and fields and so
> on, but it did not even set the data type correctly.
> It turned out we had to re-set the data type, and re-adjust length
> due to SQL's limitation on 8060.
> We are trying to solve another Unicode problem for their e-mail
> messages, which I will post later.
> Many thanks for your kind help.
If you are hitting the 8060 byte row limit, you might have table design
problems. That's an incredibly large row size. Consider using NTEXT
columns for long text to get the data out of the row.
David Gugick
Quest Software|||Hi,
You are absolutely correct but we were reluctant to say it about the
inappropriate design of the database.
However, we have not time to fix this problem at this stage but would do it
at a later time.
Thanks again for the tips which will be very useful.
"David Gugick" <> wrote in message
> xfile wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks. We've done it for this part.
>> The vendor claimed it support Unicode with language scripts but it is
>> not exactly working as they claimed.
>> We used their scripts to create database and tables and fields and so
>> on, but it did not even set the data type correctly.
>> It turned out we had to re-set the data type, and re-adjust length
>> due to SQL's limitation on 8060.
>> We are trying to solve another Unicode problem for their e-mail
>> messages, which I will post later.
>> Many thanks for your kind help.
> If you are hitting the 8060 byte row limit, you might have table design
> problems. That's an incredibly large row size. Consider using NTEXT
> columns for long text to get the data out of the row.
> --
> David Gugick
> Quest Software
ASP upload image file
saved in a database table as an image. The problem is that the webpage is on
one server and the data is stored on another server, I can save the image to
the server the webpages are on but not the other, just get the error:
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cb3'
Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the
provider, or of the selected locktype.
Is it possible to do this?
is the db on the same internal network as the webserver?
if it is i dont think thats your problem, post some code.
"chris2583" wrote:
> Im writing an asp page which allows users to upload files which are then
> saved in a database table as an image. The problem is that the webpage is on
> one server and the data is stored on another server, I can save the image to
> the server the webpages are on but not the other, just get the error:
> ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cb3'
> Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the
> provider, or of the selected locktype.
> Is it possible to do this?
|||For Each File In Uploader.Files.Items
' Open the table you are saving the file to
Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
RS.Open "select * from test",conn,2,2
RS.AddNew ' create a new record
RS("filename") = File.FileName
RS("filesize") = File.FileSize
RS("contenttype") = File.ContentType
' Save the file to the database
File.SaveToDatabase RS("filedata")
' Commit the changes and close
All the servers are on the same internal network. I have an included asp
page which has the FileUploader class. This is the code that works, when I
change source parameter in the RS.Open line to the table on the other server
it fails on the RS.AddNew line.
"Michael Evanchik" wrote:
> Chris,
> is the db on the same internal network as the webserver?
> if it is i dont think thats your problem, post some code.
> Mike
ASP upload image file
saved in a database table as an image. The problem is that the webpage is on
one server and the data is stored on another server, I can save the image to
the server the webpages are on but not the other, just get the error:
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cb3'
Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the
provider, or of the selected locktype.
Is it possible to do this?Chris,
is the db on the same internal network as the webserver?
if it is i dont think thats your problem, post some code.
"chris2583" wrote:
> Im writing an asp page which allows users to upload files which are then
> saved in a database table as an image. The problem is that the webpage is
> one server and the data is stored on another server, I can save the image
> the server the webpages are on but not the other, just get the error:
> ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cb3'
> Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of t
> provider, or of the selected locktype.
> Is it possible to do this?|||For Each File In Uploader.Files.Items
' Open the table you are saving the file to
Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
RS.Open "select * from test",conn,2,2
RS.AddNew ' create a new record
RS("filename") = File.FileName
RS("filesize") = File.FileSize
RS("contenttype") = File.ContentType
' Save the file to the database
File.SaveToDatabase RS("filedata")
' Commit the changes and close
All the servers are on the same internal network. I have an included asp
page which has the FileUploader class. This is the code that works, when I
change source parameter in the RS.Open line to the table on the other server
it fails on the RS.AddNew line.
"Michael Evanchik" wrote:
> Chris,
> is the db on the same internal network as the webserver?
> if it is i dont think thats your problem, post some code.
> Mike
ASP to SQL Connection Prob, Same Server, IIS
I have a single box hosing IIS and SQL Server 2000. In my ASP script I've
tried using the following connection strings to attempt to connect to no
"Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=servername\instancename,1 433;Database=TEST;network=DBMSSOCN;uid=TEST;pwd=TE ST"
"Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=local IP
address\instancename,1433;Database=TEST;network=DB MSSOCN;uid=TEST;pwd=TEST"
"Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=external IP
address\servername\instancename;Database=TEST;netw ork=DBMSSOCN;uid=TEST;pwd=TEST"
Getting error:
"Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80004005)
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]Specified SQL server not found."
SQL Server is set up for SQL and Windows authentication. Server utility is
configured for both named pipes and TCP/IP. Port is set to 1433.
I can connect to the DB using Query Analyzer both from the local server
itself AND from a remote laptop over the internet.
So, what am I missing???
Thanks in advance,
ChadChad Richardson ( writes:
> SQL Server is set up for SQL and Windows authentication. Server utility is
> configured for both named pipes and TCP/IP. Port is set to 1433.
But you have a named instance. Yes, you can of course have a named
instance on port 1433, but normally this is where you have the unnamed
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at|||OK. But if you can have one, than do you have any other ideas on why it
would not connect?
I have this same set up on my development laptop and it connects fine,
except that my web site on the laptop is served up from a virtual directory.
On the home development box, the web site is located under the
InetPub\wwwroot folder. Not sure if this would change the "perspective" that
the connection call is coming from and hence would require a different
"Erland Sommarskog" <> wrote in message
> Chad Richardson ( writes:
>> SQL Server is set up for SQL and Windows authentication. Server utility
>> is
>> configured for both named pipes and TCP/IP. Port is set to 1433.
> But you have a named instance. Yes, you can of course have a named
> instance on port 1433, but normally this is where you have the unnamed
> instance.
> --
> Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
> Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at
>|||Chad Richardson ( writes:
> OK. But if you can have one, than do you have any other ideas on why it
> would not connect?
I asked my question mainly as incentive for you to double-check.
> I have this same set up on my development laptop and it connects fine,
> except that my web site on the laptop is served up from a virtual
> directory. On the home development box, the web site is located under
> the InetPub\wwwroot folder. Not sure if this would change the
> "perspective" that the connection call is coming from and hence would
> require a different syntax...
I don't really see why either. Then again, I'm completely ignorant about
But there is one thing I don't like in your connection string:
network=DBMSSOCN. I believe this library is out-dated. Not that I
think it matters, but remove it.
And, hm, what about removing 1433? After all there is a service to
find the port. And then there is shared memory which does not even need a
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at
ASP to SQL 2005 - won't connect
I'm having a bit of a nightmare and could really do with some help.
Our office server is running SQL 2005 Express.
We have installed SQL 2005 Express in our remote web server. I want the web
server to 'collect' data from the office server over night. We cannot get
the two to connect.
We have an ASP file on our web server with following code:
Dim connL
Set connL = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=password;Persist Security
Info=True;User ID=user;Initial Catalog=OfficeCraft;Data Source=ip
address;Network Library=DBMSSOCN"
When we run this page we get the error message:
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (ParseConnectParams()).]Invalid connection
Please help.
Andrew Ellinas
By default, SQL-Server 2005 Express won't allow for remote connection so you
have to enable TCP/IP using the the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration
tool. You should also make sure that there is no firewall blocking the port
1433. For reason I don't remember, it's better to simply use SQLOLEDB
instead of SQLOLEDB.1 and in the case of SQL-Server 2005, it's even better
to use the new provider SQLNCLI; see . Finally, if you have
installed a named instance instead of the default instance, you must add the
name of the instance after the address of the server.
Are you able to connect to it using either MSSMS or MSSMSE?
Here a some other articles to help you troubleshooting your connection
problem: (second site for
connection strings for sql providers)
Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)
"Andrew Ellinas" <Andrew> wrote in message
> Hi All,
> I'm having a bit of a nightmare and could really do with some help.
> Our office server is running SQL 2005 Express.
> We have installed SQL 2005 Express in our remote web server. I want the
> web
> server to 'collect' data from the office server over night. We cannot get
> the two to connect.
> We have an ASP file on our web server with following code:
> <%
> Dim connL
> Set connL = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
> "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=password;Persist Security
> Info=True;User ID=user;Initial Catalog=OfficeCraft;Data Source=ip
> address;Network Library=DBMSSOCN"
> %>
> When we run this page we get the error message:
> [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (ParseConnectParams()).]Invalid connection
> Please help.
> Regards
> Andrew Ellinas
|||Thank you for taking time to post such a full answer.
I will work my way through what you suggest and post what happens.
Once again, thank you.
"Andrew Ellinas" wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm having a bit of a nightmare and could really do with some help.
> Our office server is running SQL 2005 Express.
> We have installed SQL 2005 Express in our remote web server. I want the web
> server to 'collect' data from the office server over night. We cannot get
> the two to connect.
> We have an ASP file on our web server with following code:
> <%
> Dim connL
> Set connL = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
> "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=password;Persist Security
> Info=True;User ID=user;Initial Catalog=OfficeCraft;Data Source=ip
> address;Network Library=DBMSSOCN"
> %>
> When we run this page we get the error message:
> [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (ParseConnectParams()).]Invalid connection
> Please help.
> Regards
> Andrew Ellinas
ASP to SQL 2005 - won't connect
I'm having a bit of a nightmare and could really do with some help.
Our office server is running SQL 2005 Express.
We have installed SQL 2005 Express in our remote web server. I want the web
server to 'collect' data from the office server over night. We cannot get
the two to connect.
We have an ASP file on our web server with following code:
Dim connL
Set connL = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=password;Persist Security
Info=True;User ID=user;Initial Catalog=OfficeCraft;Data Source=ip
address;Network Library=DBMSSOCN"
When we run this page we get the error message:
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (ParseConnectParams()).]Invalid connection
Please help.
Andrew EllinasBy default, SQL-Server 2005 Express won't allow for remote connection so you
have to enable TCP/IP using the the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration
tool. You should also make sure that there is no firewall blocking the port
1433. For reason I don't remember, it's better to simply use SQLOLEDB
instead of SQLOLEDB.1 and in the case of SQL-Server 2005, it's even better
to use the new provider SQLNCLI; see . Finally, if you have
installed a named instance instead of the default instance, you must add the
name of the instance after the address of the server.
Are you able to connect to it using either MSSMS or MSSMSE?
Here a some other articles to help you troubleshooting your connection
problem: (second site for
connection strings for sql providers)
Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)
"Andrew Ellinas" <Andrew> wrote in message
> Hi All,
> I'm having a bit of a nightmare and could really do with some help.
> Our office server is running SQL 2005 Express.
> We have installed SQL 2005 Express in our remote web server. I want the
> web
> server to 'collect' data from the office server over night. We cannot get
> the two to connect.
> We have an ASP file on our web server with following code:
> <%
> Dim connL
> Set connL = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
> "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=password;Persist Security
> Info=True;User ID=user;Initial Catalog=OfficeCraft;Data Source=ip
> address;Network Library=DBMSSOCN"
> %>
> When we run this page we get the error message:
> [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (ParseConnectParams()).]Invalid connecti
> Please help.
> Regards
> Andrew Ellinas
>|||Thank you for taking time to post such a full answer.
I will work my way through what you suggest and post what happens.
Once again, thank you.
"Andrew Ellinas" wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm having a bit of a nightmare and could really do with some help.
> Our office server is running SQL 2005 Express.
> We have installed SQL 2005 Express in our remote web server. I want the w
> server to 'collect' data from the office server over night. We cannot get
> the two to connect.
> We have an ASP file on our web server with following code:
> <%
> Dim connL
> Set connL = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
> "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=password;Persist Security
> Info=True;User ID=user;Initial Catalog=OfficeCraft;Data Source=ip
> address;Network Library=DBMSSOCN"
> %>
> When we run this page we get the error message:
> [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (ParseConnectParams()).]Invalid connecti
> Please help.
> Regards
> Andrew Ellinas
Asp to convertor
I would like to know about the website who had convert the code asp to
please help me
Ashwani Kumar
I'd be surprised if this could be done.
It's not a case of changing syntax or replacing all "A"s with "B"s. You're replacing all your Response.Write or HTML strings with controls and I can't see how aany converter could tell that your HTML block needs to be replaced with a gridview, formview or repeater.
I'm willing to be proved wrong though!
|||For migrating sites from ASP to ASP.Net my suggestion is to follow this migration guide.
|||Yes. This can be donw. The ASP to ASP.NET Migration Assistant is designed to help you convert ASP pages and applications to ASP.NET. It does not make the conversion process completely automatic, but it will speed up your project by automating some of the steps required for migration.
You can download at:
Also see how to use this assistance tool :
Hope my suggestion helps
This response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. Microsoft does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites; therefore, Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. There are inherent dangers in the use of any software found on the Internet, and Microsoft cautions you to make sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any software from the Internet.
ASP SQL Server slow connection
machine. The speed of the original web pages are faster than the current
one. I think there is no problem on the web pages, but maybe the setting
problem in IIS or SQL Server
I wonder if anything to do on IIS or SQL Server settings'This thread is active in other groups still.
Ray at work
"John Davis" <> wrote in message
> I just migrated the database and web pages from one machine to another
> machine. The speed of the original web pages are faster than the current
> one. I think there is no problem on the web pages, but maybe the setting
> problem in IIS or SQL Server
> I wonder if anything to do on IIS or SQL Server settings'
Try this KB article :
FIX: Connection to SQL Server Database Using IP Address Is Unusually
Paul Lynch
There are various sites that show you how to connect to SQL Server using
VBScript from ASP. Some are listed at:
Vyas, MVP (SQL Server)
SQL Server Articles and Code Samples @.
"dora" <> wrote in message
how can i connect sql server with ASP vbscript?
Try something like this.. put it in a separate ASP module and INCLUDE it in
your ASP in a suitable place...
Set odbCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
odbCon.Open "Driver={SQL
Server};SERVER=SN;DATABASE=dbName;UID=userID;PWD=p assword;"
sn is the server name and can ce local (eg "Server42") or remote (eg
hope this helps
Jim MCDonald
"dora" <> wrote in message
> how can i connect sql server with ASP vbscript?
> thanks