Thursday, March 8, 2012

AS2005 September CTP Errors when Processing Cube

I have a cube which was originally created in the June 2005 CTP.

I have made no changes. I am just attempting to process it in the AS2005 September CTP.

I get random messages like this:

Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The attribute key cannot be found: Table: dbo_PolicyFact, Column: PolicyDimKey, Value: 3135. Errors in the OLAP storage engine: The record was skipped because the attribute key was not found. Attribute: Policy Number of Dimension: PolicyA from Database: CDEV15D1, Cube: Cube, Measure Group: Policy Fact, Partition: Policy Fact, Record: 2920.

While trying to process various fact tables. Any ideas? I checked and the key relationships in the source store are all good.


ChrisI had the same problem. The cube processed fine on June CTP but would not process on the September CTP. I discovered my problem was due to the way dimension key errors were handled.

For the "key not found" option on the dimension key errors tab of the processing box, change the default setting from "Report and continue" to "Ignore".|||

Hi guys,

Thanks a ton for that input. Can you believe it! I am working on the Adventure works sample db and get the same error when processing a simple cube metioned in the tutorial.

I think this option was set to "Ignore" in the CTPs and then it gor switched back in the final release.

Thanks once again! Keep up the good work!!

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