Sunday, March 11, 2012

AS2005... Using Attribute Relationships

I assume defining attribute relationships can be advantageous for performance. However, I don't quite understand them.

I know by default, the dimension is created with all attributes having an attribute relationship under the key -- with all having a cardnality of Many.

My Customer dimension points to the following named query:

SELECT customer_key, customer_id, customer_name, city, post_code, region_code, country_code
FROM Customer C
LEFT OUTER JOIN [Customer Address] CA
ON C.customer_key = CA.customer_Key
AND CA.[Address Type] = 'MAIN'

Right now, here's what I have done for the attribute relations in additon the ones created by default:

I dragged Country Code under Region code, Region Code under Post Code, and Post Code under City. The cardinality for all of these relationships is Many (not sure I understand this property). Does that sound correct?

So what do I do for Customer Id and Customer Name? I assume there should be a relationship between the two, but which field do I drag to which? Customer Name under Customer Id or vice-versa? How does it make a difference in this case, if it does at all? Cardinality?

And finally, do I want to delete the relationships that were created by default under customer_key? By the way, the customer_key attribute is not visible.

Sorry for so many questions, but I definitely appreciate your help!

There is an extensive discussion of attribute relationships and their importance in the Project REAL Analysis Services Technical Drilldown white paper.

It is an EXTREMELY important topic (in my estimation probably *the* most important to understanding the basics for how AS2K5 is different from AS2K

AS2K5 is an attribute-based system; AS2K is a hierarchy-based system.

And the core of that is attribute relationships.


_-_-_ Dave

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