Sunday, March 11, 2012

AS2005: write a cube to a local .cub via xmla?


i wonder if it is possible to write a cube (in AS2005) to a local .CUB file using xmla instead of the "old" CREATE GLOBAL CUBE statement ...
I haven't found anything in the msdn ... perhaps I've been blind?

background of this question:

Thanks for your answers and for tolerating my bad english
best regards,

Yes, it is possible. The easiest way to get an example of how to do it is to run a CREATE GLOBAL CUBE statement on your cube while you have a Profiler trace running - the CREATE GLOBAL CUBE statement gets translated to AS's XML/A scripting language in the background and you'll see that script in the trace. You can then change it as you need and possibly fix your problem.


|||Thanks for your quick reply!

We used the Profiler before and found the xmla-statement that is used

to create the new cube ... no problem so far; it creates a new database

with the cube as we want it to be.

But we didn't find the xmla-statement that writes the cube into the .cub file.

There are 3 lines in the Profiler where the filename of the .cub

appears: 2 times in the context of a copy of the original CREATE GLOBAL

CUBE statement and the last time in the line where we found the

statement that creates the cube.

The Profiler says something like this:

"CREATE GLOBAL CUBE-Instruction | FILENAME=c:\newcube.cub | DDL | <batch>...</batch>"

The <batch> we can extract to create our cube, but the part before is no scripting-language we know.

Perhaps it makes sense for you? ;)


Sven|||I think it's just extra information flagging the fact that this is a local cube being created and where the .cub file is located, and not DDL. Certainly when I remove it and just run the Batch statement (in MDX Sample app - not SQLMS, where for some reason I can't connect to an empty .cub file to run the DDL to create the local cube) then it all works ok.|||

Hi, Can you explain how exactly you run the BATCH statement in order to get the .CUB file?

I am using ADOMD.NET.

When I run the statement using management studio, the query succeed but nothing is created and there is no place to set the local file location.



|||Hi Chris,
I'm reading your book on MDX (MDX Solutions 2ndEd.) and am currently struggling with the creation of local cubes. I want to create a local cube in Excel via VBA, but notice that the CREATE CLOBAL CUBE statement doesn't correctly save all data, so I'm experimenting with the ASSL approach.
In your book you write (p. 528) " create a local cube using ASSL,...:You open a connection to your target (in this case a .cub file), then execute your ASSL statement."
I'm wondering how you do this, apparently not with the MDX Sample app.?
What kind of connection is that if I need to do this using VB(A), or should I use .NET?|||

Hi Christopher,

Take a look at:!7B84B0F2C239489A!877.entry




in MDX Sample app - not SQLMS, where for some reason I can't connect to an empty .cub file to run the DDL to create the local cube

The reason is that local cubes don't support more than one connection to the cube file, and Management Studio usually wants to open two connections (one for AMO), even if you only want to send MDX queries.

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