Sunday, March 11, 2012

AS400 Connection string using OLE DB

Does anyone have an example of a connection string they could post? We're
trying to connect to an AS\400 using the MS OLE DB driver to do reports
w/Reporting Services and not having much luck.On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 15:23:02 -0800, J. Way <J.> wrote:
>Does anyone have an example of a connection string they could post? We're
>trying to connect to an AS\400 using the MS OLE DB driver to do reports
>w/Reporting Services and not having much luck.
I have not tried using RS with AS/400, but here is an example. Replace
the db name, file name, username, etc. as appropriate:
provider=DB2OLEDB;initial catalog=AC4TSRV;data source=AC4TSRV;network
transport library=TCPIP;network address=;package
collection=PRODGEN;default schema=PRODGEN;Connection
Pooling=True;Client Application name=YourAppName;user

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