Sunday, March 11, 2012

AS400 DB2 connection strings

I am trying to construct a connection string via iSeries OleDb provider. The default list of libraries on the AS400 for my user is fine for production. But in test scenarios the code/data libraries are rolled out through a sequence of test libraries. How do I specify the additional libraries for testing.

I connect fine and can execute sql. the statements like insert into TestLibrary.Table work fine, but the associated trigger code isn't called.

Would it be better to use the .Net Connection set of classes instead. I switched from ODBC to OleDb because of assumed thread safety issues.I don't understand what you're looking for. Can you be more specific? If trigger code isn't called, how is that an SSIS issue?|||Maybe not.

The problem is building a connection string to communicate withe as400 db2. I found other threads in this forum dealing with other issues on this connectivity. The point about the trigger code not executing is because the library on the as400 that contains the trigger code is not part of the default library list for the connecting user.

the question is how to construct the connection string to add additional libraries into the scope of the connection. I was able to do so using ODBC. I wanted to use either the OleDb or the ADO clone iSeries connection stuff to do it as well.|||This link might help:

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