Thursday, March 8, 2012

AS2005 OWC11 HTTP - Connection Problem.

I am trying to get an OWC11 pivot table ActiveX component to work over the internet with AS2005. I have read so many articles, and I have moved forward, but there doesn't seem to be any final answer.

Here is the set up. 1 Server that is running IIS6, WIN2003, SQL2005/SP1. I set up the connection string as

PivotTable1.ConnectionString = Provider=MSOLAP.3;Data Source=http://<ip to server>/olap/msdmpump.dll;Initial Catalog=<olapDatabaseName>
PivotTable1.DataMember = "<CUBE NAME>"

I set up the HTTP pump described in this article:

I set up an IUSR role for the cube to be read.

I set up SQL and AS for remote access over TCP/IP.

I even set the AS2005 for anonymous access. I wll turn this back after the test.

Everything works fine at the intranet level, but as soon as I'm outside the domain.. boom, it won't connect.. I ran the SQL profiler, and gotten the cryptic XML parsingg error for IUSR log-in. At any rate, I'm all out of ideas and tricks.

I saw similar lines of discussion, but never a successful conclusion as of yet. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

-Young K

<html xmlns="" >


<object classid="clsid:0002E55a-0000-0000-C000-000000000046" id="PivotTable1">
<param name="XMLData" value="<xml
<x:OWCVersion> </x:OWCVersion>
<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'
height='8'><tr><td bgColor='#336699' height='25' width='10%'> </td><td
bgColor='#666666'width='85%'><font face='Tahoma' color='white' size='4'><b>
Missing: Microsoft Office Web Components</b></font></td></tr><tr><td
bgColor='#cccccc' width='15'> </td><td bgColor='#cccccc' width='500px'><br>
<font face='Tahoma' size='2'>This page requires the Microsoft Office Web
Components.<p align='center'> <a
here to install Microsoft Office Web Components.</a>.


face='Tahoma' size='2'>This page also requires Microsoft Internet Explorer
5.01 or higher.

<p align='center'><a
href=''> Click here to install
the latest Internet Explorer</a>.</font><br>&nbsp;</td></tr></table>
<input type="button" id="button1" value="click here">
<script language="vbscript">
sub button1_onclick()
PivotTable1.ConnectionString = Provider=MSOLAP.3;Data Source=http://<ip to server>/olap/msdmpump.dll;Initial Catalog=<olapDatabaseName>
PivotTable1.DataMember = "<CUBE NAME>"

Dim oPivot
Set oPivot = PivotTable1.Object
'Set the timeout to 10 secondsr
oPivot.Connection.CommandTimeout = 10

end sub


My bad. I installed the OLEDB 9 on the client machine and it works like a charm. Go me, go.

PivotTable1.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSOLAP.3;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=http://[target server]/olap/msmdpump.dll;Initial Catalog=PNGReportOLAP;User Id=[user id];Password=[password]"

I used that connection string. Yowsers.. It has taken me two days. But it is working. Have fun, y'all.

Young K.


My bad. I installed the OLEDB 9 on the client machine and it works like a charm. Go me, go.

PivotTable1.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSOLAP.3;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=http://[target server]/olap/msmdpump.dll;Initial Catalog=PNGReportOLAP;User Id=[user id];Password=[password]"

I used that connection string. Yowsers.. It has taken me two days. But it is working. Have fun, y'all.

Young K.


My bad. I installed the OLEDB 9 on the client machine and it works like a charm. Go me, go.

PivotTable1.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSOLAP.3;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=http://[target server]/olap/msmdpump.dll;Initial Catalog=PNGReportOLAP;User Id=[user id];Password=[password]"

I used that connection string. Yowsers.. It has taken me two days. But it is working. Have fun, y'all.

Young K.


My bad. I installed the OLEDB 9 on the client machine and it works like a charm. Go me, go.

PivotTable1.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSOLAP.3;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=http://[target server]/olap/msmdpump.dll;Initial Catalog=PNGReportOLAP;User Id=[user id];Password=[password]"

I used that connection string. Yowsers.. It has taken me two days. But it is working. Have fun, y'all.

Young K.

|||I went into same problem long ago, what i did was giving the IUSR a permission on the Analysis server. I think its a bad idea, but as you said, I was running out of ideas "any comment is welcomed". I have some issues regarding initializing the Pivote table client side, its some how slow. Any ideas are welcomed|||

I am trying to do what you did.The xml string that is assigned to PivotTable.XMLData.Thexml string is shown below. I use analysis services and sql server 2000.

<xml xmlns:x="urnTongue Tiedchemas-microsoft-comSurpriseffice:excel">

- <xStick out tongueivotTable>


<x:NoDisplayAlerts />

<xBig SmileisplayScreenTips />




<xBig SmileisplayFieldList />

<x:CacheDetails />

<x:ConnectionString>Provider=SQLOLEDB;Cache Authentication=False;Initial Catalog=Test_OLAP;Data Source=http://<ip>/Bin/msdmpump.dll; Impersonation Level=Impersonate;Mode=ReadWrite;Auto Synch Period=20000;Default Isolation Mode=0;Default MDX Visual Mode=0;MDX Compatibility=0;MDX Unique Name Style=0;Non Empty Threshold=0;SQLQueryMode=Calculated;Safety Options=1;Secured Cell Value=0;SQL Compatibility=0;Compression Level=0;Real Time Olap=False;Packet Size=4096</x:ConnectionString>

<xBig SmileataMember>TestCube</xBig SmileataMember>

- <xStick out tongueivotView>

<x:IsNotFiltered />

<x:UseProviderFormatting />

</xStick out tongueivotView>

</xStick out tongueivotTable>


I am not sure what you mean by instaling OLEDB 9 solves your problem.In my case,I can see the embeded Pivot table and the Pivot table field list.But am not seeing the dimensions.Rather an icon with a plug is shown.I am able to acces the ms.asp page on the <ip> server. Is there any way to debug and find out the problem.

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