Friday, February 24, 2012

Artice on RS Forms Authentication

Just a quick note to let you know that DevX published part 1 of my two-part
article about RS Forms Authentication. It is available for free access here
"One of the most useful features of Microsoft Reporting Services is its
extensibility model. Just about any aspect of Reporting Services can be
custom-tailored to meet your specific requirements. Part one of this
two-part series explains how to replace the default Windows-based security
model of Reporting Services with forms authentication security. First,
you'll learn the ropes of implementing forms authentication security and how
you can leverage it for Web-based reporting. Then you'll enhance the form's
authentication extension by adding role-membership features to simplify the
security maintenance."
Enjoy it!
Teo Lachev, MVP [SQL Server], MCSD, MCT
Author: "Microsoft Reporting Services in Action"
Publisher website:
Buy it from
Home page and blog:
Excellent Article.
What happens with the Subscription Model and Forms Authentication? (from
what i heard it break subscriptions...)
We have already an existing Application using "File Share" delivery and i am
afraid that those subscriptions would fail since the report server now needs
another type of authentication...
Sebastian|||Forms Auth shouldn't affect the subscriptions (at least it's not affecting
mine). Is there something published on that (you mentioned you heard it
breaks subscriptions)? As long as the ReportServer service has proper
credentials log on and process subscriptions you should be OK.
Adrian M.
"Sebastian Talamoni" <> wrote in message
> Teo,
> Excellent Article.
> What happens with the Subscription Model and Forms Authentication? (from
> what i heard it break subscriptions...)
> We have already an existing Application using "File Share" delivery and i
> am afraid that those subscriptions would fail since the report server now
> needs another type of authentication...
> Sebastian
>|||Correct. Subscribed delivery is executed in an unattended mode by the RS
Windows service and it shouldn't break the Forms Authentication security.
Hope this helps.
Teo Lachev, MVP [SQL Server], MCSD, MCT
Author: "Microsoft Reporting Services in Action"
Publisher website:
Buy it from
Home page and blog:
"Adrian M." <> wrote in message
> Forms Auth shouldn't affect the subscriptions (at least it's not affecting
> mine). Is there something published on that (you mentioned you heard it
> breaks subscriptions)? As long as the ReportServer service has proper
> credentials log on and process subscriptions you should be OK.
> Adrian M.
> "Sebastian Talamoni" <> wrote in message
> news:Oh6ecyI$EHA.2016@.TK2MSFTNGP15.phx.gbl...
>> Teo,
>> Excellent Article.
>> What happens with the Subscription Model and Forms Authentication? (from
>> what i heard it break subscriptions...)
>> We have already an existing Application using "File Share" delivery and i
>> am afraid that those subscriptions would fail since the report server now
>> needs another type of authentication...
>> Sebastian

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