Saturday, February 25, 2012

AS 2000 with 64 bit OS

I moved one of my AS 2000 olap db new server -Windows 2003 "64-bit" OS with lot more processor then old server "32-bit" Windows OS.

Good news is my cube processing I save 50% time but my query performance is slow, I was thinking my query should fly.

I have AS 2000 "32-bit" in "64-bit" Windows server. I have same settings in AS 2000 as old server.

Thank you - Ashok

Well, first of all, if you running IA 64, you should install 64bit version of Analysis Services and run natively.

Second, running on higher end machine doesnt neccessarily means single query performance is going to improve drastically. With higher-end hardware, you should get higher throughput, ability to handle larger databases.
For single query you might be way better off creating additional aggregations supporting your query patterns. With processing times improving you should be able to afford having higher persentage of aggregations that should improve perofmance.

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