Saturday, February 25, 2012

Article on when to use Stored Procs?

Does anybody know of some good articles or whitepapers on when to use stored
procs and when not to use them? Thanks in advance.
DaveHere is a compact artilce along with some good discussion:
"Dave L" wrote:

> Does anybody know of some good articles or whitepapers on when to use stor
> procs and when not to use them? Thanks in advance.
> Dave
>|||> Does anybody know of some good articles or whitepapers on when to use
> stored
> procs and when not to use them? Thanks in advance.
Thus saith the LORD GOD: "Thou shalt use stored procedures for everything,
and for everything shalt thou use them."
Seriously. Here are some:
Peace & happy computing,
Mike Labosh, MCSD
"When you kill a man, you're a murderer.
Kill many, and you're a conqueror.
Kill them all and you're a god." -- Dave Mustane

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