Saturday, February 25, 2012

AS 2005 - errors after password change

Hello all

I changed the password that I use in AS 2005 to connect to my SQL Server database. I changed it in the data source, so when I go into the connection there, I can
connect properly (when I click the Edit button for the Connection
String, and then hit Test Connection).

However, when I go to a dimension, and try to process it, I get the

OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Login failed for user
'[MyUserName]'.; 42000.

Errors in the high-level relational engine. A connection could not be
made to the data source with the DataSourceID of '[MyDatabaseName]',
Name of '[MyDatabaseName]'.

I've tried all the ImpersonationInfo options - use specific name and
password, use service account, credentials of the current user, and
default. When I use the "specific name and password", it never saves the
password information.

Also, in the Connection Manager, under SQL Server Authentication, it
has an option to save password. It also NEVER saves the password in
there. So, when I first input my login, password info, and hit 'test
connection', it succeeds. Then, when I click ok, then shut down the
Data Sources properties, and then reopen it, the password has

What am I doing wrong? Where else do I need to change the password?


Hello. Are Analysis Services and the database on the same machine? If so you can try to change the account that you are running these services under to a new local account, that you will have to create on this machine.

If it is you laptop and not a production installation you can set this account with password never expires and add it to your local admin group. Change each services account to this account and repeat the password.

After this switch you should be able to use Windows Integrated security in your connections. It will not work if you will need to connect to other services on other machines/servers.

I am not sure that it will work but give it a try.


Thomas Ivarsson


See my reply to your other post.

Edward Melomed.
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