Thursday, February 9, 2012

Are other vendors buying into this?

Microsoft wants to make its Report Definition Language (RDL) an industry
standard. how's that going? have other vendors bought into this yet?rob <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Microsoft wants to make its Report Definition Language (RDL) an industry
> standard. how's that going? have other vendors bought into this yet?
There are a couple of commercial companies that have published
designers / add ins for reporting services (Cizer & ProClarity) but
with Microsoft, there is method to their madness.
MXS bought out ActiveViews in April which I believe has a designer as
well. Look for something to come from this purchase. It is funny but
the ActiveViews web site does not have anywhere on it that tells you
how you can get their product.
Also I think that changing the mindset corportations have with regards
to delivering enterprise level solutions is what Microsoft is ttrying
to do. For instance Microsofts MOM 2005 software utilizes Reporting
Services to report against its database. You don't need to install it,
but you get out of the box reports if you use it. Where I work at
there is another major vendor, I cannot think of at this moment, that
told us that they will be using Reporting Serives in their next
release. You can expect a lot of vendors going that route. The only
question I have is that since this is only for SQL Server, what will
software publishers that write against Oracle, SAP, Informix etc. do.
Business Objects will be loosing some market share to Microsoft in the
SQL Server market. I know there are a lot of vendors now that pay
Business Objects to include Crystal Reports in their product. Look for
more and more of the enterprise level applications come out with
Reporting services support and reports built in.

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