Thursday, February 16, 2012

Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.

I've got this error message while generate the output with ASP:

"Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80004005)
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int."

it indicate that the error is related to this line:

where rc1 is set as objconn.Execute(sql).

Not all outputs result like this, it happens when it has many relationships with other records, especially with those records which also have many relationships with other records.

Can anyone suggest a solution?
I've tried to increase the size of the database file, but it doesn't work.could you perhaps show the query that caused the error?|||Here is the query:

CREATE procedure rp_co_relatedcompanies @.companyregistrationno varchar(20)
set nocount on
--used for related companies details

select a.companypersonid,a.personname,a.personaddress1,a. personaddress2,a.personcity,a.personstate,a.person country,
a.personzip,a.personphone,a.personfax,a.personemai l,a.personuniqueid,b.principalbusiness,b.secondryb usiness,
c.relationwithcompany,c.numberofshares, c.classofsharesheld , cast(d.noofissuedshares as int) 'noofissuedshares',
'percentageofsharehold' = case when c.numberofshares =0 then 0 else c.numberofshares/d.noofissuedshares*100 end, c.otherremarks
from companyperson a
left join companystructure d on a.personuniqueid=d.companyregistrationno
left outer join operationsandactivity b on a.personuniqueid = b.companyregistrationno
left outer join relationshipcompanyperson c on a.companypersonid = c.companypersonid
where c.companyregistrationno = @.companyregistrationno and c.relationshipwith = 2
and a.deletionflag=0 order by a.personname
set nocount off
GO|||can you see anything in that query where there might be a problem "converting expression to data type int"

the immediate suspect is cast(d.noofissuedshares as int)

another suspect is c.numberofshares/d.noofissuedshares*100

check those and let us know|||Table DDL would help a lot. Heck, I was betting on the c.companyregistrationno being an INT and the @.companyregistrationno failing the implicit Cast...

Anybody want to start a pool on this? Or another option (not as much fun, but the problem would get solved a lot faster) would be for yllas to post the DDL for all of the tables in this query!


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